Foundation of Prayer
In this course, you will understand why God instituted prayer, the qualifications of prayer, the efficacy of prayer, and so much more. Open your heart, set your expectations on God, and dive right in.
Tithing & Giving
You will learn that God is the owner of everything, and He has entrusted the management of the Earth and everything in it to humanity. So, the question is, "Are you a faithful steward of the resources God placed in your care or not?
Time, Talent. Treasure
In this course, you will learn the source of your time, your gifts and talents, and your treasure or finances. You will also learn about God's purpose and priorities for your time, talent, and treasure.
Faithfulness, Commitment & Loyalty
Join me as we explore the lessons in this course to unveil what God says about commitment to our local church, accessing the promises of God, and our kingdom authority in Christ. Be blessed.
Holy Spirit
In this course, join us as we explore the true person of the Holy Spirit. We will further explore the characteristics of the Holy Spirit, His gifts, and how He longs to fellowship with us daily. Be blessed.